The "Habari Gani: What's the News?" Juried Exhibition showcased
artists that celebrate Black/African American culture through
the lens of one or more principles of Kwanzaa:
Umoja (unity)
Kujichagulia (self-determination)
Ujamaa (cooperative economics)
Kuumba (creativity)
Ujima (collective work and responsibility)
Nia (purpose)
Imani (faith)
Mrs. TJ Smith
1st Place
KJ Figgs
2nd Place
Brent Billingsley
3rd Place
Rebecca S. Armstrong
Honorable Mention
LaVonté Darby
Monique Dunson
Alpha Frierson
Janice Frierson-Edwards
Nhamiah Frierson
Beverly J. Pillow
Thaddeus O. Williams
For more information, view the printed program here. PROGRAM
To walk through the virtual Gallery, CLICK HERE